In our modern world of stress, pressure and speed, we seem to get less and less time to relax. When we do, very often, we are so stressed and worked up that we cannot relax completely, or enough to give us the rest that we feel we need.
It does not necessarily follow either that someone will be relaxed just because they are in what we might assume to be a relaxing and restful situation, such as:
Whilst these, and many others, are situations where we might assume that they are ideal for relaxation - some people seem to be simply unable to 'switch off'.
Such people sometimes always seem to 'have to be busy', always doing something, anything at all - unable to sit down and 'relax' for even just a few minutes, always on the go, and even when sitting down they might tend to fidget in some way.
And some other people might be able sit down and seemingly 'relax', but inside, in their mind, their mind may be always 'full on', their minds being preoccupied with, for example, thoughts of:
It might not be that they are particularly worried or anxious about their 'problem', however it does seem that they really do have a difficulty in being 'there' in the 'here and now', in the present, as fully active participants, even when, for example, they are just socialising in the company of maybe friends, colleagues or customers - whoever they are with.
So, is this a problem for these people who simply cannot relax ?
Possibly not, but like so many things in life, moderation in all things is the key.
When the problem of not being able to relax leads to sleepless nights, people can wake up tired and exhausted in the morning, and start to fall asleep during the day, the following day - and lack of sleep can lead to health problems as well as 'just' tiredness and fatigue.
And whilst a difficulty in relaxing may be not too onerous when young, it can become more and more of a problem with the passage of time, as the body becomes older and more frail and less able to keep up with the demands being made on it by the mind.
And the difficulty of not being able to be 'there', in the 'here and now', in the present, enjoying the company of colleagues and friends in social situations, can also lead to increasing frustration with attending such social situations and the eventual withdrawal from meeting colleagues and friends in such social situations, and eventual social isolation.
Is there anything that people who cannot relax can do to help their relaxation ?
There are some methods that some people use from time to time to help their relaxation:
Breathing Techniques: Techniques that incorporate deep abdominal breathing may help to reduce the physical symptoms of depression, anxiety and hypertension as well as everyday emotional symptoms of anger, nervousness and stress.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation: is a technique that requires an individual to focus on tensing and holding a certain set of muscles (e.g. the neck). Those muscles are then relaxed to experience a deep sense of relaxation and so reduce the effects of anxiety and sleeplessness brought about by stress. This technique can help people with anxiety who are often always tense throughout the day.
Mental relaxation techniques:
Meditation: Studies have shown that in addition to reducing physiological and psychological stresses placed on your body, individuals who practice meditation have much fewer doctor visits for both physical and psychological illnesses.
The above methods are usually used only occasionally, as and when the need arises, at times when the person finds that they feel that they want, or need, to relax, but are finding relaxation difficult e.g.
However the relaxation techniques all require time - which may not be available at the time that the need arises. And making that time available, as and when required, may actually create stress elsewhere in their lives, stress that they don't need. For example, if you are caught up with a minor bump with another car at a roundabout there simply isn't the time for you to say to the other driver "Hang on and I'll talk to you about this in 30 minutes time, after I've listened to my Relaxation CD" - instead you need to be already in a more relaxed state so that you are able to deal with such problems there and then, calmly and immediately, as and when they arise.
Also, the relaxation techniques listed above can only ever be a temporary fix - and they don't really change anything, not permanently anyway.
If you are someone who finds it difficult to relax, and who would like to be able to relax more easily, such that relaxation just happens for you normally and naturally, without you even having to consciously change your behaviour or consciously try to relax, what you need to do is to have a few sessions of Peter's unique therapeutic Hypnosis therapy - this therapy will lower your tension, anxiety and stress levels and help you to a more relaxed state.
You will be left feeling much more calm and relaxed in your day to day life, so that you are now back in control of your thoughts and behaviour - no longer maybe pushing yourself forward to the point where you are maybe tired and exhausted, and close to 'burn-out'. Instead you will now be back in control of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. And, importantly, you now become able to enjoy the company of friends and colleagues at social gatherings.
Peter's unique therapeutic Hypnosis treatment can help you to put yourself back in control of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour, such that your old problem of not being able to relax just dissolves away, and it becomes just one of those problems that you used to have.
Your difficulty in relaxing will become a problem that you used to have, back in the past. And a problem that you don't have any more - because Peter's unique therapeutic Hypnosis treatment therapy will change you, and you will become a calmer and more relaxed person.
Contact Peter now to book a free initial consultation to find out more about this successful and effective therapy. Peter is confident that he can help your relaxation problem quickly, and in just a few therapy treatment sessions.
If you would like more information on this successful application of therapeutic Hypnosis treatment therapy then just contact Peter now to arrange a FREE confidential consultation (Click here), and get started on changing your life straight away.
Contact Peter to make an appointment for a free initial consultation.
Read Peter's website welcome letter.
Alternatively, continue reading on down this page, past the following video, for more information about relaxation and other methods of relaxing, and some of the benefits of relaxation.
Relaxation in psychology, is the emotional state of a living being, of low tension, in which there is an absence of arousal that could come from sources such as anger, anxiety, or fear. According to the Oxford dictionary relaxation is when the body and mind are free from tension and anxiety.
Relaxation is a form of mild ecstasy coming from the frontal lobe of the brain in which the backward cortex sends signals to the frontal cortex via a mild sedative.
Relaxation can be achieved through meditation and progressive muscle relaxation.
Relaxation helps to improve coping with stress. Stress is the leading cause of mental problems and physical problems, and so, therefore, feeling relaxed is beneficial for a person's health.
When we are stressed, the sympathetic nervous system is activated because we are in a fight-or-flight response mode; over time, this could have negative effects on a human body.
Being relaxed can do positive things for someone’s health, from just elevating your mood to helping with insomnia. All of these things can help an individual live a happier and healthier life and may increase the longevity of one's life.
The benefits of an relaxation can be found in two main areas of an individual’s health, including; mental and physical health, as follows:
Sleep disorders are an area that can produce stress and mental health issues. Improved relaxation usually helps to reduce insomnia and sleep difficulties in those who have sleeping disorders.
There is a higher mood and lower anxiety in those who are relaxed. Those who are relaxed have much calmer and clearer thought processes than those who are not relaxed; this can be shown on an EEG (Electroencephalogram).
A relaxed person experiences less stress - and coping mechanisms, for both mental and physical pain, are also improved. With reducing stress, a person can help reduce the negative things that stress can do to the body, and also, because pain tolerance is improved, relaxed people are more able to tolerate pain, so that the symptoms and pain of chronic diseases and medical conditions may also be dulled and reduced.
For many people the ability to relax increases their ability to live in the 'here and now' (rather than, say, being preoccupied with either future, or past events) - because they can fully engage with other people when in social situations, rather than having their mind constantly preoccupied with other things that are going on in their life - and thus they are more able to enjoy life and live their life to the full.
Physically, an improved (lower) level of relaxation will provide, at least, the following beneftits:
All improving the overall quality of health.
Also, physiologically, many doctors believe that chronic, long term, stress is damaging to the autoimmune system and therefore, by increasing relaxation, and reducing stress, the autoimmune system will benefit and be strengthened - helping people to live a happier, healthier, life.
We all have things going on in our lives that may occupy our minds from time to time, but significant problems can arise when we are no longer in control of our thoughts, feelings and behaviour such that we are no longer able to do even the most undemanding and basic human activity - enjoying relaxation !
When the problem of not being able to relax leads to sleepless nights, people can wake up tired and exhausted in the morning, and start to fall asleep during the day, the following day - and lack of sleep can lead to health problems as well as 'just' tiredness and fatigue.
And whilst a difficulty in relaxing may be not too onerous or noticeable when young, it can become more and more of a problem with the passage of time, as the body becomes older and more frail and less able to keep up with the demands being made on it by the mind.
And the difficulty of not being able to be 'there', in the 'here and now', in the present, enjoying the company of colleagues and friends in social situations, can also lead to increasing frustration with attending such social situations and the eventual withdrawal from meeting colleagues and friends in such social situations, and can lead to eventual social isolation.
If you are someone who finds it difficult to relax, and who would like to be able to relax more easily, such that relaxation just happens for you normally and naturally, without you even having to change your behaviour or consciously try to relax, what you need to do is to have several sessions of Peter's unique therapeutic Hypnosis therapy - Peter's therapy will help you and will lower your tension, anxiety and stress levels.
You will be left feeling much more calm and relaxed in your day to day life, so that you are now back in control of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour - no longer pushing yourself forward to the point where you are maybe tired and exhausted, and close to 'burn-out' - or maybe progressively withdrawing from social situations because you find it difficult to live your life in the present and in the 'here and now'.
Instead you will now be back in control of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. And, importantly, you now sleep more easily and become able to enjoy the company of friends and colleagues at social gatherings.
Peter's unique therapeutic Hypnosis treatment can help you to put yourself back in control of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour, such that your old problem of not being able to relax just dissolves away, and it becomes just one of those problems that you used to have.
Your difficulty in relaxing will become a problem that you used to have, back in the past. And a problem that you don't have any more - because Peter's unique therapeutic Hypnosis treatment therapy will change you, and you will become a calmer and more relaxed person.
Contact Peter now to book a free initial consultation to find out more about this successful and effective therapy. Peter is confident that he can help your relaxation problem quickly, and in just a few therapy treatment sessions.
If you would like more information on this successful application of therapeutic Hypnosis treatment therapy then just contact Peter now to arrange a FREE confidential consultation (Click here), and get started on changing your life straight away.
For professional, caring and confidential help, adviice, therapy or treatment for, or about, any of the above issues or topics, or similar, just contact Peter, preferably by e-mail, to arrange an appointment for your free initial consultation.
Select a town or district place name close to your location to see the route/direction of The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic from your selected town or district:
Towns & Districts/Boroughs in Surrey:
Addlestone Banstead Camberley Chertsey Dorking Egham
Elmbridge Epsom Ewell Farnham Godalming Guildford Knaphill
Leatherhead Mole Valley Reigate Runnymede Spelthorne
Staines Sunbury Surrey Surrey Heath Tandridge Waverley
Towns & Districts/Boroughs in Hampshire(Hants):
Aldershot East Hants Farnborough Hampshire Hart Rushmoor
Towns & Districts/Boroughs in Berkshire(Berks):
Addictions, Alcohol Abuse, Anger Management, Anorexia, Anxiety Disorders, Binge Drinking, Binge Eating, Bulimia, Blushing, Bruxism, Childbirth, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Compulsions, Compulsive Behaviour, Depression, Drug Abuse, Eating Disorders, Emotional Problems (e.g. Anger, Rage, Sadness, Jealousy, Suspicion, Paranoia, Grief, Guilt, Shame, Trauma), Exam Stress, Fear of Flying, Food Addiction, Gambling Addiction, Gastric Band Hypnotherapy, Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Habits, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Low Self Confidence, Low Self Esteem, Obsessions, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Pain Management, Panic Disorder (Anxiety Attacks or Panic Attacks), Phobic Disorder (Phobias), PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Public Speaking, Smoking or Vaping, Relationship Issues, Relaxation, Sadness, Sex Addiction, Sexual Issues, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia), Sports Performance, Stress, Stuttering, Tinnitus, Weight Loss - or see Treatments for more general information.
If you would like to find out more about how Surrey Hypnotherapist Peter Back might be able to help you, or if you are simply looking for the best help, advice, therapy or treatment from a highly qualified and experienced Psychoanalyst, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist or Hypnotist, just contact Peter by e-mail, at the Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic, Woking, to arrange an appointment to learn more about Hypnosis and Peter's own unique form of specialist, evidence based, Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy.
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