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Image of happy people jumping for joy
The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic
The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic  

Memory Reconsolidation in Psychotherapy

The great step forward of recent times is the discovery that your underlying fears and emotional learnings aren’t fixed as was always thought. Use of the latest evidence and research from the world of neuroscience has resulted in a method that produces profound change – the old neural pathways and synapses are re-written – permanently – in a process known as memory reconsolidation.


These emotional learnings result in anxiety, depression, relationship problems, sexual problems – it’s a long list – and they’re encoded in the brain at a more primitive level than all the things we deal with when we use cognitive (thinking style) methods like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or beliefs work.


Cognitive methods look at your thinking styles and belief systems and get you to retrain unhelpful ones.  Cognitive change happens at the level of the brain that uses language, the neo-cortex, the large, upper part of the brain that makes us different from other mammals.


Memory reconsolidation takes place at a lower, more primitive, level, a place where there are senses, feelings and emotions, but not the words to understand them. It’s not surprising then that we often find that emotional learnings that are doing the damage now were actually laid down in childhood, even in infancy. An insecure attachment between a mother and an infant may have life-long repercussions without a way to change it at that pre-language level.


There are several therapies that result in memory reconsolidation, either deliberately sought or spontaneously occurring, including Coherence Therapy, Relaxation Assisted Psychotherapy, Hypnoanalysis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprogramming (EMDR).


Since memory reconsolidation is a natural process, a natural ability of the brain to repair itself and recover from trauma, it can happen spontaneously in many different circumstances. It can be facilitated in any of the therapies mentioned in the previous paragraph, but will sometimes happen spontaneously during cognitive therapy – or even with no therapy!  It’s amazing how some people bounce back from adversity!

For most people, there is a combination of cognitive factors (poorly managed thinking) and implicit emotional learnings and you will need to discuss with your therapist the best way to improve, given your history, your symptoms, your resources and your aims and goals.

The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic TM

Need an individual consultation ?

For professional, caring and confidential help, advice, therapy or treatment for, or about, any of the above issues or topics, or similar, just contact Peter, preferably by e-mail, to arrange an appointment for your free initial consultation.

Where is the Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic?

The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic is based in Woking, Surrey. You can select a town or district place name close to your location, from the list below, to see your route to The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic from your selected town or district:


Towns & Districts/Boroughs in Surrey


Addlestone Hypnotherapy 


Banstead Hypnotherapy 


Camberley Hypnotherapy 


Elmbridge Hypnotherapy 


Epsom Hypnotherapy 


Ewell Hypnotherapy 


Godalming Hypnotherapy 


Guildford Hypnotherapy 


Leatherhead Hypnotherapy 


Mole Valley Hypnotherapy 


Reigate Hypnotherapy 


Runnymede Hypnotherapy 


Spelthorne Hypnotherapy 


Staines Hypnotherapy 


Sunbury Hypnotherapy 


Surrey Hypnotherapy 


Surrey Heath Hypnotherapy 


Tandridge Hypnotherapy 


Waverley Hypnotherapy 


West Byfleet Hypnotherapy 


Weybridge Hypnotherapy 


Woking Hypnotherapy


Towns & Districts/Boroughs in Hampshire(Hants)


Aldershot Hypnotherapy 


East Hants Hypnotherapy 


Hampshire Hypnotherapy 


Hart Hypnotherapy 


Rushmoor Hypnotherapy


Towns & Districts/Boroughs in Berkshire(Berks)


Berkshire (Berks) Hypnotherapy 


Bracknell Forest Hypnotherapy 


Maidenhead Hypnotherapy 


Reading Hypnotherapy 


Slough Hypnotherapy 


Windsor Hypnotherapy 


Wokingham Hypnotherapy 

Make an Appointment

Situated in a quiet, discreet, setting with easy, and free, parking - you are assured that your consultations will be discreet, private and confidential.


All callers are by prior appointment, which is very easy to arrange - just select the button below to e-mail Peter first to arrange a convenient time for your appointment.


Therapies that facilitate effortless and transformational change in thoughts, feelings and behaviour mean that a number of problems of psychological or emotional origin can be helped.


Select the button below for more information about symptoms and the therapies that may be able help you, or instead just e-mail Peter to arrange a convenient time for a consultation.

For the Best Help, Advice, Therapy & Treatment ...

...Speak to Peter !

Image of Surry Psychoanalyst and Hypnotherapist Peter Back at The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic Surrey Psychoanalyst and Hypnotherapist Peter Back at The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic


Select the button below for a welcome letter from Peter, with more about the Surrey Hypnotherapy clinic, or instead just e-mail Peter to arrange a convenient time for a consultation.

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Safe Online Therapy and Consultations   available now in your own home
e-mail Peter today for details of
 Online Therapy

The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic TM

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How can The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic TM help you ?

In order to visit

Our address is:

The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic

Blackbridge Road


GU22 0DN


Note. All callers by prior appointment.

Guideline directions:

Directions from nearby towns and districts are given here: Directions.


Particularly convenient for:

Addlestone, Aldershot, Ashford, Bookham, Bracknell, Bracknell Forest, Brookwood, Caterham, Camberley, Chertsey, Chobham, DorkingEghamElmbridgeEpsom, Ewell, Farnborough, FarnhamGodalming, Guildford, Hampshire, Hart, Horley, Jacobs Well, Knaphill, Leatherhead, London, Ottershaw, Pirbright, Reading, Ripley,  Runnymede, Rushmoor, Sheerwater, Send, SpelthorneStaines, SunburySurrey, Surrey Heath, Sutton Green, Walton, WaverleyWest Byfleet, Weybridge, Woking, Wokingham, Worplesdon

Select the button below for a map, address & e-mail contact form:

Contact info

Please note, if you should 'phone it is quite likely that Peter will be busy with a client and unable to take your call.


E-mail tends to be the best way to contact Peter, to arrange or reschedule appointments.


However, If urgent, you might be able to reach Peter on the following 'phone number but please be prepared to leave a message... Thank you.


Phone:  08707 606765 08707 606765

Select the button below for a map, address & e-mail contact form:

" The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it's the same problem you had last year."

- John Foster Dulles

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© Peter Back @ Surrey Hypnotherapy & The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic