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Image of happy people jumping for joy
The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic
The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic  

Breaking News - Beat the Coronavirus restrictions !
Online Therapy and Consultations in your own home now available - e-mail Peter now for details of our new Online Therapy

Addiction - Best Help, Advice, Therapy & Treatment...

All addictions, whether to substances, people, or activities, are essentially psychologically similar. They operate according to the same psychological principles and have similar patterns, causes and solutions.


An addiction can be thought of as being a powerful, sometimes overpowering involvement, to which you turn for security when you fail to find better gratifications in the rest of your life.


And the more that you turn to the addiction, the more primary it becomes as being the mainstay of your life. And yet the more you rely on it, the more negative experiences it produces in your life, and the more you need to return to the addiction.


When people turn to an experience, any experience, for comfort and pleasure to the exclusion of meaningful involvements in the rest of their lives, they are engaged in an addiction.


Addictions can range in severity from the relatively trivial to the fatal, and the broad group of commonly encountered addictions can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Substance Addiction
    • Alcohol
    • Cocaine & other substance and/or drug addiction
    • Food
    • Smoking
    • Vaping
  • Activities / Behavioural Addiction
    • Gambling
    • Internet
    • Sex (e.g. porn addiction & fetish addiction)
    • Shopping
    • Spending
    • Work
    • Hobby/Pastime
    • Sport

Some people have theorised the cause of addictive behaviour to be, for example:

  • That some people have inherited their addictive behaviour through their genes, from parents, grandparents and ancestors.
  • Or that some people have an 'addictive personality'.

Both theories are unhelpful to the addict who is trying to escape an addiction - because they psycholoically disempower the addict from doing anything about their addiction:


"after all, what's the point in trying to change your addictive behaviour, because you can't change your DNA, genes, or personality" 


is how the reasoning goes. So, unsurprisingly, the addict isn't motivated into any effort into changing their behaviour - and they remain in the grip of their addiction.


As an addiction therapist my job is to help people to quit their addiction by removing their need to continue with their addiction and by building the sound psychological foundation that must be in place so that they can successfully quit their addiction by addressing the cause of their addiction


Psychologically, with most addictions the driving force is largely that of instant gratification - where the short term pleasure of the addiction wins out over the long term disadvantages that are a consequence of continuing with the addiction. And, in general terms, the long term consequential disadvantages may be very severe and harmful to relationships; and finances; and/or to health - and potentially fatal.


Addiction will never be cured by a pill. Indeed, when you truly understand addiction, the idea of a pill for curing what is a psychological dependency makes no sense.


Like so many human problems, with all addictions there are two main elements to consider, the cause and the effect. By using Therapeutic Hypnosis a two pronged approach to the problem can be taken and, while dealing with the effect, the habit itself, we can also find and deal with any other subconscious causes and triggers that are present and continuing to drive the addiction.


This therapy is easy for the client to do and is a powerful way of changing the person's perception of their addiction, and changing their addiction from something that they perceive as being desirable, to something that they just don't want to do any more.

The Therapeutic Hypnosis treatment typically takes just a few weekly sessions to complete, and instils in the client the psychological strength to be able to quit their addiction whilst at the same time educating them about why they used to find it so difficult to quit their addiction. People also notice a great boost in their positivity and self-confidence, and gain a new lease of life and freedom.

Contact me now to book a free initial consultation to find out more about this successful and effective therapy. I am confident that I can resolve your problem quickly, and help your problem in just a few sessions.


If you would like more information on this successful application of therapeutic Hypnosis please contact me to arrange a FREE confidential consultation (Click here), and get started on changing your life straight away.






Contact Peter to make an appointment for a free initial consultation.




Read Peter's website welcome letter.

The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic TM

Need an individual consultation ?

For professional, caring and confidential help, adviice, therapy or treatment for, or about, any of the above issues or topics, or similar, just contact Peter, preferably by e-mail, to arrange an appointment for your free initial consultation.

Directions to The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic

Select a town or district place name close to your location to see the route/direction of The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic from your selected town or district:


Towns & Districts/Boroughs in Surrey:

Addlestone Banstead Camberley Chertsey Dorking Egham

Elmbridge Epsom Ewell Farnham Godalming Guildford Knaphill

Leatherhead Mole Valley Reigate Runnymede Spelthorne

Staines Sunbury Surrey Surrey Heath Tandridge Waverley 

West Byfleet Weybridge Woking


Towns & Districts/Boroughs in Hampshire(Hants):

Aldershot East Hants Farnborough Hampshire Hart Rushmoor


Towns & Districts/Boroughs in Berkshire(Berks):

Berkshire (Berks) Bracknell Bracknell Forest Maidenhead

Reading Slough Windsor Wokingham 

Best help, advice, therapy & treatment for:

Addictions, Alcohol Abuse, Anger Management, Anorexia, Anxiety Disorders, Binge Drinking, Binge Eating, Bulimia, Blushing, Bruxism, Childbirth, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Compulsions, Compulsive Behaviour, Depression, Drug Abuse, Eating Disorders, Emotional Problems (e.g. Anger, Rage, Sadness, Jealousy, Suspicion, Paranoia, Grief, Guilt, Shame, Trauma), Exam Stress, Fear of Flying, Food Addiction, Gambling Addiction, Gastric Band Hypnotherapy, Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Habits, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Low Self Confidence, Low Self Esteem, Obsessions, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Pain Management, Panic Disorder (Anxiety Attacks or Panic Attacks)Phobic Disorder (Phobias)PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Public Speaking, Smoking or Vaping, Relationship Issues, Relaxation, Sadness, Sex Addiction, Sexual Issues, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia), Sports Performance, Stress, Stuttering, Tinnitus, Weight Loss - or see Treatments for more general information.


For Hypnosis therapy and Hypnotherapy help for Anxiety in Surrey, the Surrey towns of: Addlestone, Aldershot, Bracknell, Byfleet, Camberley, Epsom, Farnborough, Godalming, Guildford, Knaphill, Leatherhead, Staines, Sunbury, Walton, West Byfleet, Weybridge and Woking are all within a short 30 minute drive from Woking Hypnosis Hypnotherapist Peter Back at the Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic.


If you would like to find out more about how Surrey Hypnotherapist Peter Back might be able to help you, or if you are simply looking for the best help, advice, therapy or treatment for GAD Anxiety, from a highly qualified and experienced Psychoanalyst, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist or Hypnotist, just contact Peter by e-mail, at the Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic, Woking, to arrange an appointment to learn more about Hypnosis and Peter's own unique form of specialist, evidence based, Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy.

Make an Appointment

Situated in a quiet, discreet, setting with easy, and free, parking - you are assured that your consultations will be discreet, private and confidential.


All callers are by prior appointment, which is very easy to arrange - just select the button below to e-mail Peter first to arrange a convenient time for your appointment.


Therapies that facilitate effortless and transformational change in thoughts, feelings and behaviour mean that a number of problems of psychological or emotional origin can be helped.


Select the button below for more information about symptoms and the therapies that may be able help you, or instead just e-mail Peter to arrange a convenient time for a consultation.

For the Best Help, Advice, Therapy & Treatment ...

...Speak to Peter !

Image of Surry Psychoanalyst and Hypnotherapist Peter Back at The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic Surrey Psychoanalyst and Hypnotherapist Peter Back at The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic


Select the button below for a welcome letter from Peter, with more about the Surrey Hypnotherapy clinic, or instead just e-mail Peter to arrange a convenient time for a consultation.

Beat the Coronavirus Restrictions !
Safe Online Therapy and Consultations   available now in your own home
e-mail Peter today for details of
 Online Therapy

The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic TM

A Client Talks about his Gambling Addiction Cure Therapy ( more... )

May is Mental Health Awareness Month ( more... )

Prince Harry is an Advocate of Talking Therapies ( more... )

How can The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic TM help you ?

In order to visit

Our address is:

The Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic

Blackbridge Road


GU22 0DN


Note. All callers by prior appointment.

Guideline directions:

Directions from nearby towns and districts are given here: Directions.


Particularly convenient for:

Addlestone, Aldershot, Ashford, Bookham, Bracknell, Bracknell Forest, Brookwood, Caterham, Camberley, Chertsey, Chobham, DorkingEghamElmbridgeEpsom, Ewell, Farnborough, FarnhamGodalming, Guildford, Hampshire, Hart, Horley, Jacobs Well, Knaphill, Leatherhead, London, Ottershaw, Pirbright, Reading, Ripley,  Runnymede, Rushmoor, Sheerwater, Send, SpelthorneStaines, SunburySurrey, Surrey Heath, Sutton Green, Walton, WaverleyWest Byfleet, Weybridge, Woking, Wokingham, Worplesdon

Select the button below for a map, address & e-mail contact form:

Contact info

Please note, if you should 'phone it is quite likely that Peter will be busy with a client and unable to take your call.


E-mail tends to be the best way to contact Peter, to arrange or reschedule appointments.


However, If urgent, you might be able to reach Peter on the following 'phone number but please be prepared to leave a message... Thank you.


Phone:  08707 606765 08707 606765

Select the button below for a map, address & e-mail contact form:

" The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it's the same problem you had last year."

- John Foster Dulles

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